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Inspiring Students to Learn, Lead, and Serve


Course Expectations

Honors World Studies – Grade 9

General Rules - Any rules not specifically stated may be covered in the student handbook.

- Be on time – Be in the room and ready to go when the bell rings. Stay in your seat until you are dismissed. Lining up at the door is not an option.

- Please ask to open a window

- Please ask to sharpen your pencil

- Please ask to throw something away during instruction time.

- Respect everyone in the room at all times.

- Do not interrupt when someone (the teacher or another student) is talking. Yes, it is expected that you raise your hand to speak.

- Come to class prepared. You will need a notebook, loose leaf paper, and a pen every day. Do not use red pens. If you turn in work written in red it will be returned to be redone.

- Notebook paper – loose leaf paper only – paper torn from a notebook will not be accepted.

- Do not display any disruptive or improper behavior. All rules in the student handbook must be followed.

- No eating or drinking in class – You may have water.

- CHEATING - See the student handbook. Cheaters will be caught and policies will be followed. If you are looking at someone else’s quiz or test, both students may lose partial or total credit on that particular assignment.

- Hall passes are reserved for emergency situations only. Do not abuse the privilege of using a hall pass. I have the right to say no at any time.

- Keep the classroom clean – no writing on the desks – if you love someone, do not write it on the desk. Buy a hallmark card.

- Visual Presentations – these are vital to overall understanding. Everyone is to actively observe any visual presentation.

Violations and Consequences

- Cell Phones – If you are using a cell phone (texting, calling, tweeting),

First Offense - your phone will be taken and given back at the end of class

Second Offense – Taken until the end of the day – Phone call home

Third Offense – Taken to the office to Ms. Urban – Phone call home

- Sleeping in class – Sleeping is unacceptable. If you are tired sleep at home or in study hall. Sleeping may result in a detention.

- Detentions – 7 a.m. room 126 – High School students should be mature enough to model proper behavior.

- Absences – It is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE STUDENT to find out what assignments were given when an absences occurs.

- Class Cuts – Cutting class will result in a loss of 3% of the nine weeks grade. Students that choose to cut class will be referred to the office for an office consequence.

- Suspensions – If a student is suspended any assignments, tests, or quizzes assigned during that time will reflect a grade of zero.

GradingA 100 -90, B 89 - 80, C 79 - 70, D 69 – 60, F 59-0

Grades will be derived from all assignments – tests, quizzes, homework assignments, class assignments, reading assignments, projects, and participation. If you are close to the next higher grade, your class participation and attendance will be taken into consideration. Math is math. I do not have to round to the next higher grade.

Late assignments – Assignments must be made up within one day upon one’s return to class. You may be given the number of days equal to the number of days for which you were absent. Assignments that are late must be made up for within one week of the assignment date. ½ credit will be given for late assignments if the assignment is complete. Assignments will not be accepted after one week.

In class assignments – In class assignments will not be accepted late. Use your time wisely.

Quizzes – Quizzes will be assigned and may or may not be open note. Terms quizzes are closed note of course.