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Inspiring Students to Learn, Lead, and Serve


Huebner, Nicholas

Huebner, Nicholas

Course Expectations

Mr. Huebner's Contact Information

  • 5th period (Lunch)
  • 7th period (Planning & Conference)
  • before & after school (by appointment)


Honors United States Studies
Honors United States Studies is an in-depth analysis of the major developments in the history of the United States from 1877 to the present. A combination of a chronological and topical approach will be used to study the following aspects of United States History:
 1. Industrialization & Gilded Age6. The Depression & New Deal 
 2. Populism & Progressivism 7. WWII
 3. Imperialism 8. The Cold War
 4. WWI 9. The Civil Rights Movement
 5. The Roaring 20s 10. Modern Topics

World Studies
World Studies is an in-depth analysis of the world’s social, cultural, intellectual, political, and economic development. A combination of a chronological and topical approach will be used to study the following aspects of World History:
 1. Enlightenment & Revolution    5. WWI & Russian Revolution
 2. Industrial Revolution 6. Between the Wars
 3. Imperialism 7. Fascism & WWII
 4. Reform & Nationalism 8. The Cold War

AP European History

Advanced Placement European History is a challenging and stimulating course designed to acquaint students with the various major themes involving European History; these major themes are social, economic, political, religious and diplomatic. The themes will be studied from the late Middle Ages through post World War II time period (1450 to the present). This is a university level course and students, who attend post-high school education in Ohio, will receive college credit for scoring a “3” or above.

The pace of the class is rigorous and we will look at material dealing with all countries throughout Europe. Students are expected to read, think, write, analyze and discuss appropriate college freshmen level information. The nature of the course requires that all reading assignments be completed by the due date. No late work will be accepted without prior approval of the teacher. Students who take the course are required to take the A.P. exam on May 6, 2016.

A combination of a chronological and topical approach will be used to study the following aspects of European History:
 1.The Renaissance 8. Unification: Italy & Germany
 2. The Reformation 9. Imperialism
 3. Wars of Religion 10. Causes of WWI
 4. Absolutism vs. Constitutionalism 11. Themes in Russian History
 5. Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment 12. 1920s & 1930s
 6. French Revolution & Napoleon 13. Fascism & WWII
 7. Reaction, Revolution, & Romanticism 14. Post-WWII

General Information

As young scholars, you will be held to high expectations. In short, you are expected to arrive on time, keep up with all readings and assignments, devote time to nightly study (review of material, not just completion of homework), and be an active participant in class.

Class Format: lectures, discussions, debates, projects, and individual classwork

Required Materials (to bring to class each day): A notebook or binder with loose leaf to take notes everyday. Additionally, you will need to bring a pen or pencil, and a folder where you can store all class handouts, notes, homework assignments, old quizzes, etc. Textbooks must be covered all year long!

Classwork/Homework: All work must be turned in on the due date or by the end of the class period (classwork). Homework may be turned in up to one day late for half credit; anything turned in after that will result in a zero.
Technical difficulties (e.g., computer viruses, printer problems, etc.) are NOT acceptable excuses for missed work

If you have a planned absence such as a field trip, sporting event, etc., you must make arrangements to turn in all work due and take any tests PRIOR to your absence.

If you are in school, but miss class due to an activity or appointment (doctor’s appointment, meeting with counselor, etc.), you are responsible for turning in any work due that day, taking any tests or quizzes given that day, and checking to see if there are any materials you may need to complete that night’s assignment.

Quizzes/Projects: Quizzes may be announced, unannounced, open-book, or closed-book. Projects are defined as any long-term assignments. A rubric explaining the breakdown of how points will be awarded will be provided.

Tests: Tests will be announced well in advance. Tests will take a variety of forms including multiple choice, short answer, and essay questions. A review day will almost always take place the day before a test. If you are absent on a test day, you are expected to make up that test upon your return. All make-up tests will be entirely essay in exceptions. If a student fails to make up the test in a reasonable timeframe, the grade will be counted as a zero.

Participation: Active class participation is an important part of understanding the material being presented in the text as well as in class, and is strongly encouraged. This portion of your grade will include content area reading strategy participation, maintenance of your classroom materials, bringing materials to class regularly, maintaining a positive attitude, classroom behavior, etc. The beginning of class on Fridays will typically be designated as a time to discuss current events as global and domestic issues unfold. Please come prepared to discuss!

Student Assistance: I encourage you to seek my help whenever you are struggling with the material. I am available during fourth period, sixth period study hall, as well as before and after school. Please do not be afraid to ask for help.

Classroom Rules & Procedures

Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and the right to learn in this classroom. This rule will be STRICTLY enforced and offenses will result in severe punishment. Everyone has their own opinion and the right to voice it, as long as it is not offensive to others. You may not agree with it, but you must respect it.

Arrive to class on time. Receiving three tardies within a grading period will result in a detention. Have your pencils sharpened and homework out at the start of class.

Sit in your assigned seat unless you ask for permission. Do not start packing up your bags or lining up at the door until AFTER the bell rings.

Bring all materials to class unless you are told not to bring them. Failure to bring materials will result in a tardy due to the fact that you will be sent to your locker to retrieve them.

Do not mark on any desks or deface any classroom materials, otherwise you will be cleaning!

Academic dishonesty of any type (plagiarism, copying, or cheating) will not be tolerated, and will result in the filing of a cheating incident report to the office, a score of zero, and the notification of parents.
*Helping another student cheat incurs the same penalty as cheating

Insubordination and cutting class will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according to the student handbook.

No sleeping in class! The first violation will be a warning. Repeat offenders will face stricter consequences.

No cellphones/headphones/ipods/earbuds are permitted in class. Failure to abide by this rule will result in the confiscation of these devices to the office to be picked up at the end of the day.

The above policies and procedures are subject to change.