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Inspiring Students to Learn, Lead, and Serve


English 10

Calendar and course information below.

Click HERE for the daily agenda. If you want to know what's going on in the classroom, you're in the right place!

Class Calendar

Course Information

Required Materials
  • Please bring in the following REQUIRED items on the first day of class!
    • Folder: Any kind or style will do. It is fine if it is a part of a trapper keeper or organizer.
    • One subject college ruled notebook: We will write in this daily and it will be kept in the classroom. This will not go home. It will be an important tool and resource for our in-class writing.
    • Pen: Please bring a black or blue pen. We will do a lot of handwriting in class as we draft, plan, and learn in preparation for more formal writing that will be done on Google Docs.
    • Chromebook or laptop: You will be issued one by the school. We will use it daily.
  • The following items are optional but will be helpful.
    • Highlighters: Please bring yellow, pink, orange, green, and blue highlighters. I may have some available, but it would be helpful if you could bring these in.
    • Coloring utensils: We will occasionally draw or color in class projects. If you have a coloring set (pencils, markers, crayons) you prefer, feel free to bring them into the classroom. I will have some colored pencils and washable markers available to all.
    • Loose-leaf paper: Although most of the writing we do will be in the in-class notebooks or in the chromebooks, we will occasionally use loose-leaf paper as well. I may have some publicly available, but it would be best to have some to yourself.
    • Gluestick: I have a good amount in the classroom. We will be occasionally adding resources to our journals. If you would like your own gluestick, feel free to bring one in.
Class Information
  • Google Classroom
    • A vast majority of our class activities will be conducted on Google Classroom. Please ask or send an email to Mr. Moritz to request a join code to enter the classroom, and it will be populated with materials throughout the school year. Parents, a live-updating assignments calendar is publicly available above.

Course Content
  • Writing
    • The class focuses first and foremost on becoming strong writers. We will work together to discover new options for enhancing formal and informal writing, as well as learn how to succeed on the ELA II end of course exam all students must take in the April of their sophomore year.
  • “Just Right” Words
    • Throughout the school year, we will be learning and incorporating a variety of words into our writing. Part of being a successful writer is knowing what word to use, when to use it, and having a variety of words to draw from. In order to achieve this, it is important to study these words on Quizlet for at least ten minutes every night, as well complete vocabulary assignments on time and to the best of your ability.
  • Reading
    • We will be reading both short and longer stories throughout the school year, including a variety of short stories and poetry, The Catcher in the Rye, and The Crucible.